With COVID-19 infection rates going down and vaccination rates going up, the nation is looking forward to post-pandemic life. For businesses, many of the changes consumers made during the pandemic are here to stay, including many that are drivers of direct mail. Here are five 2021 consumer trends that may affect your marketing.
1. Even more online shopping
Consumers have become used to shopping online for pretty much everything from groceries to outdoor gear. According to Digital Commerce 360, consumers spent $861 billion online with U.S. retailers in 2020, up 44.0% from $598 billion in 2019.[1] This is good news for direct mail, since direct mail is one of the primary drivers of online shopping.
Tip: In addition to mailing out physical coupons, include online coupon codes, as well.
2. Working from home has become the norm
As many businesses experience the benefits of the “work from home” model, including higher employee productivity, greater job satisfaction, and lower absentee rates, this shift is likely to stick. This gives direct mail more impact than ever. According to one study, 88% of retail buying decisions are either made or discussed at home, and 61% of shoppers say direct mail influences their buying decisions.[2]
Tip: Now is a great time to be shifting your marketing budget to include the channel that meets buyers where they are—at home.
3. Focus on home, family, and self-improvement
These categories that focus on home, family, and self-improvement have shown growth as people rediscover the simpler joys of life. McKinsey has found, for example, that 28% of consumers have invested in new uses of their living spaces at home.[3] There is no reason to think they are going back.
Tip: Try wrapping your messaging about the value of your product or service from the perspective of home, family, and self-improvement when possible.
4. Desire for the genuine, personal, and authentic
With so many people feeling isolated over the course of the pandemic, consumers are craving communication that feels genuine, personal, and authentic. An Epsilon study found that 67% of consumers see direct mail as more personal than digital options,[4] including online, cookie-based personalization.
Tip: Try personalization in print, which is seen as both genuine and engaging.
5. Less brand loyalty
One of the surprises coming out of the pandemic is the decrease in brand loyalty. Due in large part to supply chain disruptions, consumers have become more willing to try new brands than they have in the past.[5] Now is a great time to woo customers away from your competitors!
Tip: Consider launching a content marketing campaign soon.
There has never been a better time to send mail!
Sources: 3 https://www.digitalcommerce360.com/2021/02/15/ecommerce-during-coronavirus-pandemic-in-charts/ 2 https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190220005163/en/Nearly-90-of-Purchase-Decisions-and-Discussions-are-Made-at-Home-According-to-New-PebblePost-Consumer-Study 3 https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/survey-us-consumer-sentiment-during-the-coronavirus-crisis 4 https://dmdatabases.com/resources/direct-mail-vs-email-marketing 5 https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-and-sales/our-insights/a-global-view-of-how-consumer-behavior-is-changing-amid-covid-19