Feb 13, 2020

How to select a direct mail offer that will inspire action

The options are nearly limitless when it comes to your direct mail offer. Think about your desired response or result to help guide your to the right offer.

Your direct mail campaign is only as good as your offer. After all, how can you expect your audience to respond if you don’t offer them something of value for their time and money? But it can be tough choosing the best offer. You don’t want to give away everything, but you need to make sure it is compelling enough to inspire action.

Types of offers:

  • Discount Offer
  • Buy One, Get One (BOGO)Offert
  • Free Shipping Offer
  • Early Bird Discount
  • Informational Offer-free whitepaper or guide
  • Offer for a special Event, such as a seasonal sale

Choose an offer that best matches your desired response and makes sense for your industry and business.

Get a guide to make sure your audience is excited about your offer!


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