W2P to the Rescue!

Do you find yourself (or someone on your team) spending hours every week coordinating document printing and collateral inventory? Or perhaps even worse, is there no one person responsible for this at your company? Instead, do multiple people from every department order what they need willy nilly? Do you happen upon stacks of old collateral in dusty storage closets, often after you’ve placed an order for even more? What a waste of time and money…

Web to Print to the Rescue!

With W2P solutions, your collateral materials are always available from a central location in the cloud, allowing for easy viewing and retrieval for print requests. All you need is internet access and you can log in to find everything you need, even from your phone!

Best of all, you can give access to only a select number of people, who can monitor requests and make sure inventory is kept cost effective. You can even place a cap on order amounts so larger orders will need approval before placing.

In addition, collateral can even be customized online before ordering, so you can make changes or personalize what you need before placing an order. Did you just refresh your logo? No problem! Al materials can be updated in real time, so you don’t have to worry about materials being ordered with the old logo on them. And because you can order just what you need, you won’t have stacks of outdated documents lying around!

“Pixa has been a lifesaver for me. Before the Web to Print solution came along, I was manually coordinating our weekly orders with several vendors. Having one unified platform for all of our printing has cut my time managing the process down to almost zero. The setup was effortless, and the team has been very helpful and responsive as we roll the system out to my team here. Definitely recommend this solution for people looking to automate their document management!”


-Doug Houvener, Marketing Manager
Arrowhead Health Centers


Save time, money and your sanity with a web to print solution. We can set you up!



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