Understanding Personas
First off, what is a persona? This is a representation of who your target audiences may be. It’s more than demographics. It’s different than segmentation. To create your personas you will be identifying things such as buying behavior and needs, age, education, goals; looking for trends about how customers used your content or product; compiling answers from interviewing customers as to how and why they do or don’t use your product; and determining interests and hobbies.
Creating Detailed Personas
Creating personas will help you design content or products with your customer’s perspective and needs in mind. This will make for a more successful campaign or product. After you develop detailed personas, then you can move on to using these for adding personalization and reaching your customer in the channels they use and care about. Don’t forget that AI tools can help you develop your customer personas by collecting data about how and what products and services they use.
If you’ve been working on personalizing your campaigns but have not been creating personas along with that effort, it’s time to start! Identifying personas and understanding your target audience will help your customer feel noticed, remembered, and understood, and it will allow you to deliver personalized campaigns that are more effective.